Student Visionaries of the Year Fresno

Team Serving Up Cancer | Team Serving Up Cancer

Team's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Feb 23, 2023

Dear Family and Friends, 

Our names are Tyler Petersen and Adam Salhab.  We are so grateful and excited to share that we have the opportunity to be candidates for the 2023 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Student Visionaries of The Year .  Along with that, we are very honored to be running our campaign in honor of Bilal Sarsour, Adams Grandfather. 

I, Adam Salhab, am a junior at Clovis Online School.  I am very involved in school and tennis, CSF, NHS, and outside of school I help with the USTA Leadership Group. This campaign really means a lot to me due to the struggles we had to face when my grandpa had leukemia, this is why we are doing it in honor of him. 

I, Tyler Petersen, am a junior at Buchanan High School and The Center for Advanced Research and Technology. In school, I am an incredibly motivated student, maintaining a high academic record. I am the CFO for the local nonprofit, To Educate Adolescent Minds, and strive to make more of a difference in our community. 

We are writing to you today to ask for your support of LLS’s mission to beating blood cancer. Our campaign begins on March 2nd and ends April 21st.  Every dollar that is raised will help us reach our goal of $100,000. Your donation is tax-deductible and goes directly to LLS which supports patients, families, and research with the goal of life without blood cancer.   

In 1964 when LLS started only 3% of children survived after being diagnosed with cancer, but now LLS has raised the survival rate to 96%.  Since 2017 LLS has helped 44 out of 50 blood cancer treatments be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Everybody wins when cancer loses, so now is your time to help.  So here are the different ways that you can support us by making a donation in any amount. 

  • Option 1: You can mail a cash or check donation payable to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) to 1895 Lester Ave, Clovis, CA 93619. Please note 'Tyler and Adam or Team Serving Up Cancer' in the memo section of the check. 

  • Option 2: You can Venmo @Tyler-Petersen-65 with a message saying Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS)- Tyler/Adam.  

  • Option 3: You can make an online donation directly on this webpage and follow along with our journey. 

We are so honored to be a part of LLS’s mission and are very grateful for your support. We both are incredibly motivated to take a stand against cancer because we know firsthand the kind of damage it can do to the ones that we love.  

Thank you,  

Tyler Petersen, Adam Salhab 

“At the end of the day it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished… it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” Denzel Washington 




  • Layne Kirk

    Donating to encourage these young men as they aim to make a difference in the lives of many. Leukemia has taken some pretty special people from this world, but research has also allowed many to be saved.

  • Emilia Morris

    Great job, Tyler!

  • Terri Franz

    In honor of former students and a present students brother for having to fight this battle. Adam- proud of you for fundraising for them!

  • Shereen Sarsour

    So proud of you Adam! Love you! Shereen

  • Deen Salhab

    You are a great brother and role model!

  • Jumana McManus

    Adam I am so incredibly proud of the work that you are doing to help others. What an amazing and worthy cause to dedicate yourself to. I am very proud of you and wish you continued success in this great endeavor. Jumana McManus

  • Suhad Sarsour

    Good luck! So proud of you.

  • Jennifer Smith

    Good Luck Adam

  • Corina

    This is such a great organization. Wishing you and your friend, Tyler, all the best in achieving your goal.

  • Ashley Guarrasi

    Amazing cause and people.

  • Himmelheber Tennis

    Cancer has taken away so many loved ones. Every little bit helps….

  • Sarvi Asemi

    Well done to both these young men who are putting their time and energy into raising awareness for such a good cause.

  • Sara Pokorny

    Happy to support these future leaders. I’m so proud of all of your accomplishments.

  • Theresa & Julian Lipschitz

    Leukemia and all kinds of cancer are so bad. Too many people are dying from it! We need a cure and we need it now. Thanks to everyone especially my grandson Tyler Petersen and his friend Adam Salhab for soliciting for these funds to help towards the cure of this cancer! Thanks to all that have donated and benefited from the society.

  • Mike and Sheryl Paul

    Great work! For a great cause! Mike and Sheryl Paul

  • Shadia Igram

    Way to go Adam!

  • Shadi Sarsour

    So proud of you Adam! Keep up the awesome work my boy! Love you

  • Shadi Sarsour

    Keep up up the good work! Love you!

  • Diana Oplinger

    Great work Tyler and Adam! Ken & Diana Oplinger

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